
In 1993, with a group of stylist friends, Lidewij Edelkoort created Heartwear, a non-profit association that helps to sustain handcraft knowledge and thus collaborates with artisans to tailor their products for worldwide export, without compromising the skill, knowledge, culture and environment of the region involved. Design talent is coupled with marketing insight. Trend forecasting skills are balanced with historical and cultural knowledge. Among its many projects, Heartwear has developed indigo textiles for home and fashion with artisans in Benin, ceramics with potters in Morocco, and khadi cotton in India.

Active members are :Lidewij Edelkoort, Karen Petrossian, Yves Venot, Daniel Cendron, Corinne Delemazure,  Sophie Carlier,  Gert van de Keuken,  Lucien Aquilon, Donald Namekong, Sergio Machado.


follow heartwear on facebook




photos marie taillefer - styling sergio machado


photos marie taillefer - styling sergio machado


Heartwear was at Merci’ s shop in Paris for a beautiful installation called “UNIVERSAL BLUE”


photo sergio machado


photo sergio machado

jaleh says :
2011-05-24 11:41:41
it is really beautiful.it is a pity that we dont see more of this kind of creativity any more. i love the blu and i love the fabrics and the patterns
Cassandra says :
2011-05-24 08:41:03
I'm a huge believer in the art of the handmade - not necessarily 'craft' but the creation of things of beauty where you can still see the hand of the maker - imperfect is perfect, and I think that heartwear shows that beautifully.
http://www.magdalenaperers.se says :
2011-05-21 12:25:06
Beautiful and very interesting to see the techiques of Benin Indigo. I have just spent 7 months dying indigo in Japan!
anouk says :
2011-05-19 13:32:37
waaauuuww love the pictures , and the birds 😉
borre says :
2011-05-18 14:18:50
beautiful birds!