agathe philbé
I was born in France in 1982 with spanish origins. I studied litterature and
philosophy for 2 years, and started photography a few years later. I learnt
all the technical things I had to learn in San Francisco and New York, before
moving back to Paris. I now shoot for a wide variety of clients -magazines,
design and communication agencies, start-ups, etc- and for myself.
I am attracted to natural light playing on moving bodies, waters or trees;
it makes me feel alive in the most genuine way, and this is what I try to
capture and share when I take photographs.
Sometimes after a storm, the wind suddenly disappears and the water seems softer than ever. There is so much room in this renewed silence -it melts with the ocean itself.
The water was so cold that I forgot how cold I was when swimming in the waves; then I came back to Paris and got sick for a few days, but I think it was worth it. Spring cleaning.