philippe airaud



Philippe Airaud


Philippe Airaud is a French jewelry designer, since 1990 he has worked with major houses: Yves Saint Laurent, Calvin Klein, Baccarat, Christofle ….His creations are always beautiful and timeless elegant pieces.


Recently, Airaud created his own collection of jewelry:  0.88. These jewels are made of a discreet gold wire and will become quickly your fetish jewelry!


The concept is based on the extreme resistence of the gold thread : 0, 88mm is its diameter. For Airaud : “This concept has no gender , no age, it expresses the link and celebrates simplicity.”


For you to get to know him better we interviewed Airaud:


Your favorite material ? Natural & Technical  – High & Low.

The color that moves you the most ?  Emerald green.

Your favorite motto ?  Logic will get you from A to B but imagination will take you everywhere.

Your first gesture in the morning?  Peeling fruits for my smoothie.

Your favorite occupation? Wondering & doing…

The sound that carry you?  Now it’s “Curtains” Timber Timbre .Your favorite meal? Artichoke in all its forms.

At what moment of the day do you feel great?  When i’m inspired which can be any moment of the day.

Your favorite heroes in fiction. I haven’t found yet!

What is your present state of mind? Optimistic, productive ethic & being myself.





Philippe Airaud 0,88 Nuts