in loving memory: pets who have passed too soon

One and Only 'Chibi'
The loss of a pet is akin to the loss of a friend or loved one. We grieve deeply. We wish that s/he could have lived longer, that death had not come so swiftly. We question this thing called “time,” wishing we could slow it down, if only for a second. Perhaps we glean the specters of our own mortality in the death of a beloved companion. We realize that life is indeed, too short.
Yet there is a gift in these times of sorrow. Swami Kripalvanandji writes that, “Crying is one of the highest devotional songs. One who knows crying knows spiritual practice. If you can cry with a pure heart, nothing else compares to such a prayer.”
With the loss of an animal, we remember. We remember the padding of soft paws, afternoons spent playing fetch, bird calls, and friendship.
In animals, we not only find a friend, but also a confidant; someone with whom we can share our deepest longings and our deepest fears.
In celebration of the animals who make our lives a little bit silly, a great deal more interesting, and all the more meaningful, we invite you to share your favorite photos and memories of pets who have passed too soon.
Our hearts and prayers are with you.
Beth Lauck
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