envisions #DDW2017

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht
Big news:
After successfully kicking-off their first long-term collaboration with an industrial partner, the Spanish wood manufacturer Finsa, it’s time for a new book from Envisions.
The book ‘Wood in process’ will offer a unique insight into the collective research and will reveal how the experiments of the enthousiatic Envisionaires pushed the limits of Finsa’s materials to new innovative opportunities.
For this book, Envisions teamed up with Studio Aandacht, drukkerij Zwaan, text editors Floor Kuitert & Lauren Grieco and photographer Ronald Smits in order to create the best possible addition to your book collection, starting with a preface by Hella Jongerius.
You will find all the samples and interviews of the participating Envisionaires Aukje Fleur Janssen, Iwan Pol, Thomas Trum, Robin Pleun Maas, Jeroen Van De Gruiter, Sanne Schuurman, Roos Gomperts, Roel Deden, Simone Post, Vantot and Elvis Wesley
If you can’t wait until 21-29 October, you can pre-order the book online
About the Upcoming exhibition during Dutch Design Week:
Its a game of give and take
Designers, architects and artists love to dream up prospects about the future and the solutions design can deliver to make things better. Utopian or necessity? As a collective of bright young designers envisions has been working for the last 2 years stretching the imaginary gap between disciplines while developing new materials, open source concepts and new found collaborations with the industry.
At VDMA during Dutch Design Week the time has come to make sensible relations between the aspects of envisions and other disciplines and initiatives of the creative industry. It’s time to play the game of give and take; share know-how and crafts is essential to make sensible products. Following two very successful exhibitions in Milan and New York, envisions turns VDMA into the home of a whole new perspective of visionary/daring/models & aspirations in fruitful collaborations with the likes of colleagues, artists and brands such as Dirk Vanderkooij, WOTH magazine and Dave Hakkens.
So start of your Dutch Design Week and visit the VDMA hotspot bursting with energy, experiment and envisions optimism in the heart of Eindhoven. Find VDMA , Vestdijk 25 Eindhoven, next to Pullman Hotel, 7 min walking distance from Central Station.
Tatjana Quax

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht

Photo: Ronald Smits / Bookdesign: Studio Aandacht