a new dimension
It is now possible to 3D print food from over thirty fresh, natural products. Print2Taste’s Bocusini is the first universal plug&play 3D food printing platform, that includes a plug&play food printer, cartridges with printable food and the online platform, a marketplace for experts and enthusiasts that support discovery, making, and sharing of 3D printable food creations.
It is an easy-to-use open-source food printing system for gastronomy, patisserie and home applications.
Not only does Bocusini provide the tools for innovation with food, but they also create a community of early users that share recipes, 3D models and instructions to inspire people to print along. With new designs added daily, people are encouraged to surprise their guests with fun and unexpectedly delicious meals. Bocusini focuses on providing premium recipes and the first two cartridges to be created are marzipan and choco (cacao).
Their kickstarter campaign ended successfully on July 6th 2015, achieving more than their goal for finishing the final developments on the printers. They are planning to ship the first Bocusini 3D food printing systems in end of November.
« Bocusini isn’t just for chefs, food scientists or 3D designers: anyone can learn to create and print its own food designs. »
Lydia Janis Caldana
Lydia Janis Caldana is a trend forecaster with a creative background and both eyes on the future. Amazed by the opportunities new technologies bring at an exponential rate, she uses her abilities to predict movements and change to help companies, governments and disrupters be in charge of a more sustainable, inspiring and tech-solutioned world. Lydia keeps a blog about technology, is the LatAm correspondent for The Future Is Already Here, a think tank for a better world, and co-curates Ello’s official community about tech, culture and innovation, Ello Future.