magical contamination
Grey is found everywhere: rocks, clouds, elephants, fishes, asphalt… As we have said before, it can reflect both softness and depression, and sometimes, as a natural phenomenon, it can be dreaded as it appears in little spots over a loaf of bread or on some innocent-looking raspberries.
In his tumblr Magical Contamination, Antoine Bridier-Nahmias turns his attention to this particularly occurrence – suddenly, under his attentive eye, those unwelcome microscopic mushrooms reveal their beauty and become strangely fascinating.
The greyness of the organic matter, sometimes disrupted by dashes of colour, creates organically grown compositions. The grey of blending and cross-fertilization (motifs that we have already come across in this section) is strongly present the petri dishes: it urges you to give in to the things you are not in control of, to accept nature and see how inherently magical it is. It pops out of nowhere within the city, your house, your fridge – in the same way it might have centuries ago – and at the same reminds us of our constant overconsumption.
Beyond the fusion of art and science, Antoine Bridier-Nahmias’ photographs underline a phenomenon that is both natural and universal – a greyness that occurs in all places and evokes in us suspicion and dread, or that can cause an unexpected, renewed sense of wonder and general curiosity.
Mathilde Leblond
Mathilde Leblond is a UK-based trendwatcher with a passion for creativity, beauty and the future. For Trend Tablet she contributes posts about some of the most arresting artists and creators which she scours the internet to find out about.