once upon a time

courtesy of childsown - by eileen age 8 -
When we were kids we all have dreamed that our favorite drawing could be a real cuddy toy or a 3D doll to cherish… Child’s Own Studio makes this dream come true, by celebrating children’s art and their imagination with handcrafted one-of-a-kind soft toys.
Wendy Tsao started her home-based craft business after having the simple idea of making a recognizable comfort toy for a 4 year-old boy based on his drawing.
Since then, she has custom made a few hundred soft toys, based on children’s drawings that was sent to her. Details and color choices are reproduced as closely as possible so that the stuffed toy that is sent back in the mail is immediately recognizable to the child who designed it.
Each toy is as unique as the child who drew it.
Sofie Brodén

courtesy of childsown - by maya age 4 -

courtesy of childsown - by paige age 4 -

courtesy of childsown - by isla age 4 -

courtesy of childsown - by kennedy age 4 -