nathalie costes

photo by philippe costes
Nathalie Costes is a gifted person who creates magical handmade accessories, her new collection is a variation of poetic and sensitive collars and cuffs crocheted with cotton thread.
After managing a workshop pretty heavy to lacquer wooden beads, her previous collection was necklaces, she felt a need for lightness and to reconnect with the pleasure to work almost anywhere.
Trend Tablet caught up with Nathalie Costes for an exclusive interview. Join us in discovering what makes Nathalie tick and what to expect from her next creations!
Why did you choose to create collars?
Perhaps because I have a long neck and I always looked for a way to dress it up ! With the reappearance of “cols claudine” in many collections, I wanted to reappropriate this accessory in my own way.
How do you work?
I have a fairly obsessive way of working, with a tendency to focus my attention on one single product. Treat the simplicity and the obvious: ensure that when you see the finished article, you can say that it was obvious.
Is crochet a technic you already knew?
Thanks to my sister, I learned how to master it when I was ten years. It is a childish pleasure seeing a spool of thread take another form with just one single tool.
The pleasure to make and unmake in the simplest way and to hold your atelier in your bag ! These are the pleasures of the crochet !
What kind of materials do you like to use?
Cotton is very logical to me since it is ductile to all my whims. You just change working technique to make the material more stiff, starched, or more softer. It is a true friend and it loves both complicated points and smooth aspects. The collar in cotton also fits and looks great on every garment: a simple t-shirt, a silk dress, a masculine shirt, or a wool sweater. I do of course not exclude the use of other materials such as the alpaca, wool and more rustic, like the leather thong…
What can we expect in the future?
Today, this Peter Pan collar leads me to other paths, with the desire of concentrate my attention to specific parts of garments: collars, sleeves, cuffs, shoulders …
Maybe, one day I will pick parts more consistent with neck, shoulder, wrist …

photos by philippe costes

photos by philippe costes

photos by philippe costes

photos by philippe costes

photos by philippe costes

photos by philippe costes